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Lamke Financial LLC
Hourly Planning & Investment Guidance
mobile: 636-779-6699

Working Together
At Lamke Financial LLC, our fee structure is based upon a fee for service planning model. As fee only planners, we only accept compensation from our clients. We never sell products or accept commissions from outside sources that may result in a conflict of interest.
Our "advice by the hour" approach provides Objective recommendations and a fee structure that is both Transparent and Affordable compared to most financial advisors.
Services Tailored to Address Your Specific Needs
You only pay for help as you need it. In return, you get our best professional advice. We can serve all of your financial advice needs, from the simplest of questions, to the most complex comprehensive financial plan.
Although typically the maximum benefit is best achieved through the creation of a complete financial plan which encompasses all aspects of your life and financial situation, we realize that approach may not always meet your needs. Maybe you have an issue or two that you could use some help with, but addressing them does not require a formal plan. That is not a problem, because with our hourly fee structure it is possible to employ a flexible approach and still achieve the desired result at a very reasonable cost with fee transparency.
We can advise you in one or more of the following financial areas:
Financial goal setting
Investment planning and management
Retirement planning
Retirement income planning
Social Security Planning
Pension payment options
Insurance needs analysis
Education funding options
How does the process work?
The Get Acquainted Call
You have already learned through the website about our professional qualifications (CFP®, CPA, MBA, MA), and years of experience in helping clients with their financial concerns. But before you hire a financial advisor, you need to know if you want to work with them on a personal level. Service and knowledge is very important, but equally important is that you have a great experience. During this call, which will last approximately 60 minutes, we can explore your concerns and questions, but more importantly, it gives you the opportunity to get to know us and see if we are a fit. During this call, we will determine if a High-level Review or a Comprehensive Financial Plan is most appropriate.
High-level Review
For only $1,000 - $1,500 we will prepare a High-level Review of your financial condition. The results will be communicated in a one-on-one consultation.
The review will include:
1. Examining your investment portfolio and providing opinions and recommendations related to your portfolio's current and future asset allocation
2. Gauging your overall financial readiness for retirement
3. Providing insights related to the types and levels of expenditures you can anticipate during your retirement
4. Giving opinions regarding the types and adequacy of income sources during retirement
5. Answering your questions related to other financial areas of interest and concern
The High-level Review and consultation will be limited in scope and is not intended to replicate or replace a Comprehensive Financial Plan. Unlike a Comprehensive Financial Plan, written recommendations and insights will not be provided.
Comprehensive Financial Plan
This will include the following steps:
1. Scope Determination - The scope of your comprehensive plan will be determined based upon the results of the Get Acquainted Call. We will also discuss the final cost of your plan and approximate time frame for completion.
2. Contract Signing - At this time, the contract will be signed and 1/2 of the agreed upon cost of the plan will be paid.
3. Plan Development - At this time, analysis and completion of the plan will take place. During this time frame, there maybe several phone calls and email exchanges to ensure that all of the data has been provided and clarified.
4. Comprehensive Financial Plan Review Meeting - This will be a one-on-one meeting lasting approximately 90 - 120 minutes. The remainder of the cost for the plan will be payable at this session. We will take time to answer all of your questions and ensure that you understand all of the recommendations included in the plan. Just as important, we will discuss the steps necessary to implement your plan. This will include specific instructions and an implementation "to do" list.
Although a good financial plan should be durable, it must also be flexible. As your life circumstances change, your plan needs to change and evolve too. Ongoing meetings provide valuable reviews, and maintenance and enhancements to your plan to ensure you stay on the right track financially. We recommend the following:
1. Annual Review Meeting - in person (duration: approximately 60-90 minutes)
We will perform a detailed review of your financial plan and discuss any changes in your financial situation. We will address any concerns or questions you have. We will determine if any changes or updates to your plan are in order.
2. Update Review Meeting - virtual or via phone (duration: 30-45 minutes)
Depending on your preference, this will be a quarterly or semi-annual check in. We will briefly review any changes in your financial situation or questions you would like answered. If a material change in your situation has occurred, the length of the meeting can be extended and can also be conducted in person.
3. Quick Question - virtual or via phone (duration: 15-20 minutes)
These can be scheduled as the need arises. If you have a quick financial question or concern, we can have a brief discussion. The length of this call can be extended or another more in-depth meeting scheduled, if required.
NOTE: Unless part of a subscription plan, additional fees will be charged for the meetings listed above.
Miscellaneous Financial Advice Not Associated With a Plan
This would include specific advice in one or more of the financial areas described previously and would be charged at the hourly rate.

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